

Have you ever wanted a glitter polish, but just couldn't find the right color? Or were the glitter chunks too big or too small? Well here's a solution!

Step 1) Buy a clear coat!

This could be any clear coat. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just what you would like!

Step 2) Go to the craft store.

Here, you can buy any glitter! It has to be one that you can shake out, similar to what children use to make sparkly pictures!

Step 3) Carefully add glitter to top coat.

The easiest way to do this is to either make a makeshift funnel with a piece of paper and slide some glitter into the polish. Or you could just take some in your hand and drop it in. This method is messier, but just as effective.

Add about one teaspoon of glitter at a time. You don't want to add too much at one time because mixing it with the brush will prove to be nearly impossible. Adding glitter in small amounts will allow it to easily and evenly disperse. Then just continue to add glitter one increment at a time until you are happy with the polish!

And then you're done! You have your own personal polish! It also makes a great gift for any polish lover!

Feel free to come up with your own name for the creation as well! Who wouldn't want that job?

Good luck and enjoy♥