Looking for a way to spice up the ordinary cheetah print? Here's how!
Colors you will need:
*first choose a color you would like to use. I chose purple*
-a dark polish of that color
-a medium polish of that color
-a light polish of that color
-optional matte top coat (or if not matte, use a clear coat)
Begin by painting all of your nails white.
Allow ample time to dry.
Take the darker polish and make one or two dots on the side of your nail.
Then take the medium polish and make one or two dots below the darker ones.
Do the same with the light polish and put it below or next to the medium dots.
Then with a toothpick and a black polish, outline the dots. Do not connect the black line. Simply make "c" shapes around each dot. Also, add a few small black dots around the colored ones to make the print look more realistic.
Finish with either a matte or clear coat.
Taaaadaa! You just transformed an ordinary design to make it new and refreshed! Enjoy doing this with other nail designs as well♥