

For those harsh winter days, there's nothing better to do than paint your nails. Here's a simple design to ride out the storm.

Colors you will need:
-light pink
-clear coat
-matte top coat

Paint your thumb and middle finger black.

On your other fingers, paint them light pink.

Also, paint half of your nail light pink.

On your index finger, take a nail striper and a black polish and draw a heart at the top of your nail.

On your ring finger, you will be creating a basket weave. I've done this technique before, but to refresh, draw a diagonal line about in the middle of your nail. Then make another line going the opposite direction off of it. This should make a sideways "v" on your nail. You should have three sections. Fill the sections with lines parallel to the "v."

Now, with a gold polish and a toothpick, on your thumb make a line of dots where the pink and black touch.
Make a  single dot on your middle finger by the cuticle.
And the same on your pinkie.

Use a clear coat on your index, middle, and pinkie fingers.
And use a matte top coat on your thumb and ring finger.

And you're done!

This will definitely give a distraction from the blustery weather.