
Summer flowers. ✿

To take a classic design like flowers and turning it into a summer theme is very easy. And
here's how to do it!

Colors you will need:
-mint green
-clear coat

Start by painting your thumb, pointer, and ring finger white. Paint your middle purple, and then your pinkie mint green.

On your pinkie, take a white striper, and create think vertical lines.

On your middle finger, take a toothpick in white polish and create polka dots all over the nail.

For the white nails, take a red polish and create two big flowers in opposite corners. To do this, just make five large connecting lines. Then take a pink polish and do the same technique in the remaining two corners.

Dot the centers with white. And then with a small for of brown in the white. Then create brown stems off of each flower.

Finish with a top coat and your summer flowers are complete! ♥