

With only sixteen days until Christmas, I decided it was time to bust out the Christmas nails!

This design is pretty easy and there are even nail stickers with this design to make it less time consuming and get more detail.

So, colors you will need (if you do it freehand):
-light blue (or white)
-optional glitter finish
-clear coat

If you use the nail stickers, you will only need a clear coat and the optional glitter polish.


First you will pick the strip that best fits your nail. Then, place it onto you nail and press down. Make sure there are no bumps or creases. Next, using nail scissors, cut the excess off. Finish with an optional glitter seal and/or a top coat to create shining snowflakes!


Start off with a silver polish. Once it is dry, take a toothpick dipped in blue or white polish and create a simple for lined "star", like so:
Then create diagonal stripes coming off of each line. Once dry add an optional glitter polish and/or seal with a top coat to freeze in your design. ♥