
The Fault in Our Stars ☆

With the movie recently coming to theaters, I thought I would recreate the popular design surrounded around this book... Okay?

Colors you will need:
-clear coat

Begin by painting all of your nails blue. It's best to use a medium blue because it will match the cover of the book better.

Then on your middle finger, make a black cloud. The easiest way to do this is by using a nail dotter and going on a circular motion. Do the same technique on your ring finger with a white polish.

In the black cloud, you will write "Okay?" It's easy easier than it seems, just take your time and use a toothpick!!

In the white cloud, you will respond with "Okay." Complete with the same technique.

Then seal in the design with a clear coat!

The world may not be a wish granting factory, but you can be the genie for your nail art desires

Tropical Sunset ❁

With summer here, nail art gets brighter, more unique, and overall just more creative. You can incorporate summer activities like in this nail design: the beach!

Colors you will need:
-clear coat

Begin by painting all of your nails white. Make sure the polish is completely dry before moving on.

For the sky, you will be using an ombre technique, so get a make up sponge ready! Paint one line of purple followed by one line of pink. Then just dab it on your white nails!

After that has dried, you will now need a black polish to create the beach. Start by drawing a black line at the top of your nails for the water.
Then on your thumb and ring finger add a palm tree by painting a thin line and drawing short lines off of it.
On your index and pinkie fingers, try some dolphins! Make a curved line and connect it to another curved line. It should look like a banana at this point. Then make two dots at the end of its tail and then a triangle on top for a flipper as well as on the bottom.
Finally, on your middle finger add some birds! Simply do this by drawing a couple of small "m" shapes. Add a gold sun above the water with a yellow polish.

Seal with a top coat and you're done! 


B&W Hearts

This design takes a modern twist on a classic design.

Colors you will need:
-clear coat

Begin with the black polish and make a heart on your thumb, middle, and pinkie finger. To do this, use a toothpick and a stippling motion to trace a heart. Then fill in!

Do the same for the white hearts on your index and ring fingers.

Seal with a top coat.

This is the quickest design for spring and is a simply beautiful look


⒞⒪⒧⒪⒭ scheme

Ever run out of ideas for nail art? Here's the solution! Choose about three colors and make five different simple designs! Here's how I did it!

Possible color schemes:
-green, gold, white (my design)

-pink, blue, purple

-orange, purple, silver

-or just choose your favorites!

Okay, so first choose your base color. I used green for this. I recommend making this the medium color out of your three. It'll make the lighter and darker polishes pop.

Allow it to dry fully and then begin on your thumb. I did polka dots. I used a small dotting tool (or a toothpick) and made three white dots in the first and third rows and two dots in the second. Then I took gold and made two dots in the first and third rows and three in the second. Seal with a top coat.

For your index finger, use your darker color and make a thicker vertical line in the center of your nail. Then draw another identical line in the lighter polish next to the other one. Seal with a top coat.

Next on your middle finger, I took my darker polish, gold, and made a triangle on the side of my nail. Then with my light color, white, I drew the outline of a triangle next to the first one. Seal with a top coat.

For the ring finger, I did a cheetah design. Make dots with your light polish and then outline them with "c" shapes with the darker polish. Add some small darker polish dots too for a better looking design. Seal with a top coat.

Finally on your pinkie, we'll be doing a double French tip. Take the darker color and paint a thin line at the top of your nail. Then with the lighter color, paint a thin line along your cuticle. Seal with a top coat.

And your done!

This makes a great everyday look, and the perfect design to do when you have painter's block


Cotton Candy

One of the most fun designs to do is ombrè. It really spiked in popularity last year, but is still going strong. I decided to take the popular color combination of pink and blue and create cotton candy nails!

Colors and supplies you will need:
-clear coat
-make up sponge
-cotton swabs

Begin by painting all of your nails white. This will make the colors we sponge on more vibrant.

After the white has completely dried, paint a pink stripe and a blue stripe on a make up sponge. Then dab it on your nail. I recommend doing one sponging at first and then after all your nails are dried, complete the process a second time. This will blend the colors better and make them pop!

With a cotton bud dipped in nail polish remover, clean up the sides of your nails.

Then to end, add a clear coat!

And you're done! There are so many possible color combinations, this is just a sweet and springy one! Enjoy experimenting with all kinds of colors!